Title: Compassion For Others Summer Retreat
Teaching Date: 2007-06-28
Teacher Name: Gelek Rimpoche
Teaching Type: Summer Retreat
File Key: 20070624GRALSR/20070628GRALSR10.mp3
Location: Albion
Level 2: Intermediate
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Chanters: May all beings...
Generating Bodhimind
Rimpoche: good morning everybody I’m glad we had the power back last night okay first and foremost I would like to remind you of the motivation especially today onwards we are dealing with the compassion so the motivation is the most important so please remember the motivation if you can think of developing Bodhimind as most of you know the developing through seven stage or exchange stage or the combination of exchange and the seven stage together that is called eleven step so whichever you do it is fine so try to think of generating the Bodhimind even you can’t think of anything detail in that level but just make up your minds just make up your mind thinking for benefitting for the service of all that is A L L all living beings one self would like to obtain enlightenment for which I will listen read understand analyze and again realization of this important stages that led all the enlightened beings to the Buddha stage it is the path that all enlightened ones been traveled 000316
Path of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas
It is the path that praised by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas it is the path that fortunate ones can be able to join and complete our journey the spiritual journey with such a motivation and then visualizing Lama inseparable that of Buddha Shakymuni yellow in color golden color sitting in front of you in the space before you before us each and every one of us will think ourselves so space before me in the open space the lion throne the Lotus cushion moon and the sun cushion and the sitting Lama Shakymuni light in nature radiating a light actual living being sitting for me and making the seven (lamp?) offerings respecting making offerings actually arrange and mentally created purify all negativities that created by me right limitless beginning where ever knowingly unknowingly remember not remember all of them purifying here with the application of a four powers the power of a base taking refuge and generating Bodhimind is already established remembering the negativities that I indulged myself and regret while well remembering the negativities that I indulged I feel embarrassed feel (shy?) or ashamed even feel small yet it is opened a tremendous opportunity opportunity that I can purify and indulging in antidote action such as generating Bodhimind meditation on compassion.
And committing myself for not repeating these type of any negative actions either physically or even mentally I also rejoice the great activity of Lama Buddha Shakyamuni and all other living and (past?) enlightened beings as well as I rejoice great deed of all mother sentient beings I request Lama Buddha Shakyamuni to remain until the end of the time and giving guidance and teaching whatever whenever wherever I and (mother?) sentient beings need it I dedicate all my positive karmas to obtain total enlightenment for all living beings and I may become instrumental for that and also (he speaks Tibetan) the collection of all refuge (so?) Lama Shakyamuni the God of gods the Buddha the Buddha Vajradhara so I give my supplications with the OM MUNI MUNI MAHA MUNIYEH SOHA mantra light and liquid are coming from the body of Lama Shakyamuni actually it’s a wonderful soothing smooth joy nature bliss nature light coming from the body of Lama Shakyamuni along with the nectar in reality the achievements completement of a Lama Buddha in the form of light and nectar reaching myself from the crown and all other living beings from crown throughout our body purifying all negativity in general and particularly developing the completement common with the lower common with the medium level especially developing great Mahayana path within me.001221
All washed away from the physical and the mind (mental?) completely away from my existence away completely outer inner in between from the (sphere of the mind?) also completely I become a pure radiating a light nature the body radiating a light light nature my life fortune luck development of spiritual knowledge and quality both fully developed especially the duplicate of Lama Buddha Shakyamuni dissolved to me and I become in the nature of a Lama Buddha Shakyamuni and particularly through the compassion Bodhimind stages been developed with me okay
Mahayana level
now what we now the subject you know you remember we spent two three days talking with the common with the lower level and medium level and now we are reaching to the Mahayana level so these brief meditations we have done here it is always a recommended when you do any Lam rim meditations it is always your reading and discussion is one thing but when you really meditating it and with the Lama Buddha Shakyamuni or Lama (Losong?) or whatever that is very strongly recommend because you know one of the most important point of affecting our activity is if you done every activity within the guru yoga framework and that makes very special effect for us so that is not will not come out in common usual instructions but one has to remember that this is always one has to carry otherwise it will just be yada yada yada so all the yada yada yada are good and important important points why are you laughing (rocky?)
Audience: yes
Rimpoche: yes it’s a yada yada yada you know or yapping yapping yapping so but all this yapping yapping yapping gives you all the messages and then you you know then you have to take the essence out of those messages and then meditate that is the important point if you’re missing that meditation aspects of it and then it becomes a school it doesn’t become spiritual thing it becomes again you reminded me thought (then rise here?) You have to look back again so so this the meditation has to go all the time reading analyzing analyzing is meditation too you reading may not be meditation although when you are doing retreat when you’re saying mantras mantra reading is permitted whatever the reason is it is permitted whatever it is and it is so so you know when you’re reading it some whatever it is it is not permitted to read like a fairytale stories or some epics like a (?) epics or something that is not permitted but permitted to read about whatever you’re doing you know reading and I even remember you know His Holiness was telling to saying that since it is permitted so well I’m doing my mantras I read this I read that and so so this is permitted but you know what happens is if you really reading on the subject (what you are really doing the retreat?) or something and maybe it’s building up substituting or whatever but also it is slow down tremendously to get the number what you wanted to get tremendously002005
sometimes even you forget and all this a lot of disadvantages there so but it is permitted so why I think the why it is permitted because the reading get you the information and then you be thinking about it the thinking becomes analytical meditation analytical meditation is actually analyzing it and then think about it and then see what was wrong I mean you know some people think well I am meditating I can’t think of the wrong thing and that’s not right and the wrong things you have to see it when you see it the wrong things and then you got a job to do and that is to find out it’s right or wrong and if you think it’s wrong is it really wrong what is the explanation what is the reason why and then you can get yourself convinced either this way or that way and that is your understanding then your understanding then again you check with your colleagues your peers teachers check with the books and when you’re convinced you’re wrong you drop that out pick the opposite view and then think about it analyze it again and when you’re convinced it is right then focus and concentrate on that and that is how you gain your realization because the way we are (talking?) here you know sitting and imagining visualizing this is superficial meditation it is truly superficial meditation and true meditation you’ll be analyzing and finding it doing this is a superficial but that will help you without which you can be wild and have nothing left
the earlier in good old times in Tibet those meditators just focusing meditators and focusing meditator and people who are studying in the monasteries and so one meditator wrote one little line (calling?) (he speaks Tibetan)002334
the disturbing person who’s head is even harder than stone and who involved completely in the logical analyzing saying has no future whatsoever so that the learning Geshe Tibetan Geshe wrote back and saying saying that the meditator who sits and with the open mouth dripping water from the mouth has no thought it is thought less like a rock on the mountain so I mean this is joke they do they play it out you know if it’s in the West they say hey he is challenging you and you have to do this and that but in old Tibet they do that you know sort of try to point out for the future people so their faults their advantages so if you keep on analyzing all the time and you don’t the word is not synthesize but the word is Amy Amy Amy
audience: integrate
Rimpoche: who is saying that oh you oh okay integrate no no what you have to do is you read analyze and it is from here around completely here but then you have to
Audience: you don’t have parameters
Rimpoche: no no no (that parameter?) but then you have to make them into one little single point
audience: integrate or synthesize
Rimpoche: synthesize right synthesize right that’s right that is what I’m thinking yes synthesize and get it to the bullet point get to a bullet point and that bullet point is object of your meditation or object or subject that’s what it is otherwise it will be you know RRRRRRAP so then it won’t do any good so you need all of them and when you’re producing your bullet point and then you’ll say oh does not includes this goes against that goes against this goes against this so the bullet point is wrong that’s how you see it yourself so this is how you do and the synthesize point becomes your bullet point and when you meditate that bullet point and that hits the ego or whatever within you not necessarily ego but you know getting to the ego level is quite a far away but any point or any negativities hatred anger whatever any point any darkness within you that’s how you hit then that is what it meant analyzing and focusing what you call those sequences sequences one analyzing one focusing you know sequences you do right sequences
audience: sequentially
Rimpoche: sequentially what you do yes thank you sequentially doing is that’s the point what happened thank you maybe people been dancing here and (bouncing the pillar?) last night I heard you people had a good time some of you (audience laughs) some of you are deprived of sleep today but you can take a nap but on the other hand on the other hand is mama Nancy here
no you came alone oh okay on the other hand they say empty space all over the place if you want to what am I talking about it ah yes on other hand you have a beautiful slideshow today you know so don’t miss it Peter came all the way from Holland to show you the slide but we’ve been showing Peter slide without Peter before but I think he will show you more than we announcing before right Peter
Audience: He does not understand
Rimpoche: oh he didn’t get it that is okay Peter it is okay but I don’t understand a word of Dutch anyway been there twenty years been in Holland twenty years I don’t understand a word of Dutch Jana knows more than I do the Jana will say (?) right
Audience: (?)
Rimpoche: (?) there you go (Rimpoche laughs) 002948
Rimpoche: I know one word that’s called (?) right Ann said okay (?) feel Gelek (Rimpoche and crowd laugh) means feel good honestly or good luck right which is good luck
Peter: much
Rimpoche: much luck or love
Peter (?)
Rimpoche: Both! Peter said both so if you say feel Gelek in Dutch (Rimpoche and audience laugh) luck and love anyway I’m just joking okay003051
Lam Rim is door no second door
so let’s get back to the point again back to the points okay so so this is the the normal practice you do and sort of when we say do something every day we’re referring to that and then you know the challenge what we have is how good how strong the bullet points going to be and that is only you can make nobody else so it builds up builds up builds up builds up and become powerful and at the beginning it is nothing I mean maybe it’s just like pretend to be shooting arrow that made by hair or something so it’s not going to go anywhere it has no weight nothing no power nothing but even then making attempt it is like ants try to bite elephants feet it may make nothing but it is attempt and then it is the bullet become stronger and stronger and stronger and stronger you keep on building it up and then one day the target will knock down and still keep on shooting it it will destroy the target completely so that is how we do that is the challenge the challenge is making your bullet stronger and stronger and then each point in the Lam rim takes you straight each point you have a new target new bullet new target new bullet that ultimately the enlightenment reveals and that is how it works and because you know my purpose is for enlightenment so I’m going over there ah what what is this common with the lower medium no purpose for me so forget it no purpose for me forget it and so you’re not going to get anywhere even Dzogchen who claims to be the most ultimately going to go over there and slowly take you back from this point without telling you they take you back complete you read all the Dzogchen teachings Dzogchen books nowadays available everything in English and extremely popular too so I mean you go and they sort first talk to you right over there and then gradually circle around and takes you back so as far as the Buddha is concerned there is no second door (he speaks Tibetan) there is no second door at all so people like to look down on somehow I don’t understand why if you use word Lam Rim they will look down on look down on because they say oh I’m above than that I’m better than that they all feel and they say it but that’s where the Buddha went through all the Buddha went through this is the essence of (Prangeka?) The transcendental wisdom that Buddha shared this is the essence of it this is not only all Buddha went through this is the essence practice of Atisha Tsongkhapa and all other Tibetan earlier teachers such as Marpa Milarepa all of them though they pointed out one little point say Mahamudra or something but they are all part and parcel of this but then if you look at back each and every one of them you look in the MahaMudra they give you what they call it prerequisites so getting back to the same old junk which you considered junk yes003551
and everything that’s how it works so it is extremely important and as far as I know this is the only thing which make a difference to us at this moment completion stage development stage this that and they all all you know so imaginative exercises will not materialize to the individual until this been completely strongly solidly established will not (?) you know many of you most of you anyway do sadhanas so what are you doing sadhana sadhana you know it is visualizing right visualizing visualizing this and that happened this and that happened this I am this I am that my retinues are this is this and that and this and that you sort of have a beautiful beautiful mandala and a beautiful house and beautiful everything and everything nice and you think about it give one look it materialize and say OM and whole worlds changes and all of this right so it is simply imaginary at this moment j003728
Nirvana extremely boring
It doesn’t become reality because we don’t have this foundation so Buddha not Buddha somebody very great earlier teacher one of them said (he speaks Tibetan) so meaning the (?) is not profound but three words of refuge is very profound so you on this this is the (?) practitioner one of those siddhis have said (?) is not profound but three words of refuge is profound good so I almost lost your cushion this morning so I had to move people just joking so so this is that is how one works anyway now let’s go to the point so up to now what did we do we (dealed?) method or method we did how we help our self to get good future life that is the common with the lower level tells that second we (told?) ourselves one good life is not good enough so we have to get that good life good life forever good life forever and then we got this hmmm here comes mama Nancy thank you um Jenna would you close the door behind her so that will be good so one good life is not good enough so we have to get rid of this completely because these are the faults we been counting yesterday do you remember these are the faults and then way and how we have to get that Nirvana level is the three higher training number one is morality morality it is fine we make a jokes we may do all kinds of things but truly the morality aspects is the is also not also the most important important and we can have fun and make jokes and do whatever you want to do there is no problem for whatsoever but in principle your morality is extremely important that is keeping commitments of your vows vows keeping intact that is the basic fundamental morality aspects of it and then you need a focus concentration which we (taught?) a lot and you have a good transcripts available on that little one called Gom right G O M and then we need wisdom so wisdom and concentration it is the customary where we will talk at the end of this Mahayana path too because it’s the same wisdom same concentration there’s no difference and thus one individual can show to be free from all pains and sufferings of everything but will that be enough no as we said Nirvana is also suffering not only the samsara is a suffering Nirvana also has a fear as it’s boring extremely no doubt about it but you know but the boring is that’s what we talk about it but the boring is boring but you know boring is boring you can do anything when you want to do make you not bored if you’re intelligent enough if you’re not intelligent then boring will torture you because if you don’t know what to do with your life and then the boring will torture you but if you know what to do you know how to do so there will be no problem no big deal okay now the point is okay I get myself free but what about the person that I care what about the person that I love what about my family what about my spouses what about the loved ones what about those poor people what about those poor people so this is the question that rises here comes one of those late night ones night owl but owl changes color owl becomes yellow today what about it or even for myself have I really completed is there anything beyond this should I said settle less than best004540
what is all this about it so these are the one question second question is there’s Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all over the area where ever they are and they will be knocking on your door asking what are you doing come and help your cell phones will be ringing the e-mails are coming these (sos?)those are coming in so and sometimes even you shut your cell phone off and they will automatically open it and ring and so sometimes this ringing part begin to speak by itself so that may be functioning better than the new gadgets they released yesterday what is it called IPhone (Rimpoche laughs) so it is apple production you know so so sooner or later one has to enter into the Mahayana path because total enlightenment is the highest achievement not only a highest achievement for yourself but when you need it to help someone or (all?) then that without which you cannot you be handicapped completely handicapped right now you know we can we have the mind because we are told we are bombarded for the benefit of all beings I would like to obtain enlightenment but how sincere are we we are not we’re not it is something good I think the Buddhism tells me the Tibetan Buddhism tells me Mahayana Buddhism tells me so I got to think about it and that much we are moving along but we are not really sincere at all am I right? Ed (holick?) Right see you are honest you are open you tell you straightforward whatever you thinking huh
Audience: listening to you
Rimpoche: you listening to me oh I may cheat you
Audience: go ahead
Rimpoche:okay (Rimpoche and audience laugh) alright oh no I mean mislead you I won’t cheat you okay okay anyway so so we are not really sincere yet because we don’t see the need but the moment you have to help someone and then how desperate we are how much you know I mean we see it I mean we sometimes we would really like to get inside that person and switch around we go to that far you know sometimes you can’t do much so you really wish that if I can get in there and function as that person or something you come to that point and then we begin to realize how handicapped we are try to help not only in the spiritual path even in the material path you know the need of the people are so much the help what we can deliver is so little there’s a tremendous gap here this is fact and everybody the scientist (?) by the way we had a wonderful wonderful presentation yesterday I mean really and so we are very lucky in one way you know we have all this wonderful wonderful you know talents in the thing here and that is yesterday was not the last lecture on the from that angle too we have more coming so very good wonderful here so anyway the need of the help is tremendous what we can do is so little so little so there is the need of total knowledge the scientist or the modern education whatever you call it (perseverance?) is through the practical hands-on (form?) spiritual people try to find through a spiritual way how it is and I think as we see now more and more the both works side-by-side both complements each other that doesn’t mean everything what the spiritual says scientists will buy everything what the scientists will say spiritual people buy it that doesn’t mean that but it is complementing each other and working so much because the goal is to help and to serve so even common good educated person also always thinking how to help if you don’t think how to help why should we get educated why should they do research although we may think they do research because they want money (Rimpoche laughs) we may say that but yes you got a point of helping at the side-by-side you make money what’s wrong with it I’m sorry I’m not advocating for the pharmaceutical companies but still at the side-by-side you make money so what but the moneymaking is not the goal if the money making is the goal nobody will make any money at all so the goal is becomes you know just serving and then there is opportunity of moneymaking and now some the money people may be thinking how to make money probably maybe but that’s that’s the wrong thought that the wrong (?) wrong goal the goal is to help and serve because this is so much in need so every opportunity that we get we have to take it but no one can do everything it is also true so I supposed to quote unquote have found a way that how I can stop my suffering and pain once and for all but I cannot walk away my love ones near ones dear ones there is a tremendous need so if I don’t do it who else will do it it’s my responsibility005450
Need for Buddhahood to help others most efficiently and effectively
And I like to get the best too that I can get to serve that is Buddha’s quality unlimited knowledge unlimited capability so I needed to have all of those that’s reasonable anyone anybody here will tell you do this job they say all right what’s your how much money I get to spend right because the money becomes the tool or whatever that’s very reasonable here so when we want to serve help I need the best tool so I need Buddhahood if I don’t think about it what happens if I think about it what happens if I think about it Bodhimind if I think about it obtaining enlightenment you know you need to read the first chapter of bodhisattvacharyavatara Bodhisattva’s way of life the first chapter tells list all the benefits particularly one verse I wish I can remember in English but I don’t (he speaks Tibetan) if one develops Bodhimind that very moment no matter how weak how (?) situation that individual might be the Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas will call it children of a Buddha and you become object that people can worship to you and that is including the samsaric gods every existence including samsaric gods you become the object of worship do you vaguely remember that you don’t have a Bodhisattvacharyavatara with you here anybody huh it’s on the book oh Kiko has a copy good okay I think Ann can find it easily huh no (stay a minute?) anything you find around there can read then I can explain it yes you have put lift that up and push a little bit here yes that’s good
audience: this translation refers to Bodhimind as an awakening mind
Rimpoche: okay
audience: so it says the moment an awakening mind arises in those fettered and weak in the jail of cyclic existence they will be named a child of the Sugatas and will be revered by both men and gods of the world
Rimpoche: there you go (audience laughs) great what it next one say
audience: it is like the supreme gold making elixir for it transforms the unclean body we have taken into the priceless jewel of a Buddha form therefore firmly seize this awakening mind
Rimpoche: thank you (he speaks Tibetan) it is like the golden solution if you apply on any metal it becomes gold okay now don’t think of gold plating here that’s what we think but the traditionally in India they really I don’t know whether it is sorcerer’s work or whatever
audience: Alchemy
Rimpoche: alchemy yes transforming into gold and they have that in India and that is how the Indians have financed their struggle against the British honestly speaking all this (tata?) business all this biggest company money coming out of those some sadhu’s decided to do it for that they really did it and that’s what remained for quite a while you know I mean I’m talking about it with in the last century so that’s what this one is referring to and today we do we straightaway yes I know that is the gold plating business so we will draw the conclusion that way (he speaks Tibetan) you know I mean if you would look in this word itself said (he speaks Tibetan) the impure body unclean body that’s what we have today will be transformed as like the real the pure physical body of a Buddha (he speaks Tibetan) so the body which you cannot measure with the value so this is what they’re talking about it that’s what the Bodhimind does that also the moment you develop that mind it happens even the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas when they discuss among themselves among themselves and there so many points among themselves and they say what is the best way to develop to become a Buddha you know this is it Atisha? Atisha when he was going to Bodhigaya Bodhigaya and you know Atisha is thinking what is the best way to do to develop before Atisha went all the way to Indonesia Indonesia to obtain the teachings on the Bodhimind it was quite down in India at that time even though it is eleven hundreds so you see I told you how rare this is doesn’t last very long it is gone away very quickly so even in eleven hundreds in India it is that low so Atisha was looking for something whatever it is so walks through the Bodhigaya temple in the stupa and in all of those courtyards and I mean he saw one little younger woman image look like Tara younger woman gets up and make gesture of respect to an older woman and (?) asked what is the method of obtaining Buddhahood quickly what one has to do the older lady image talks to the young one saying Bodhimind and then the young one bowed three times and sat down Atisha saw that 010442
Atisha and Bodhimind
and then you know also walking through Atisha encountered local normal human being one old lady and one young woman and the young woman ask the old one how best way to obtain enlightenment just like the image did and the old lady said Bodhimind, this is how Atisha began to pick up the Bodhimind (he speaks Tibetan) quickly obtaining enlightenment what should I do they said Bodhimind that’s how it is done so Bodhimind is that much important and that much really tremendous not only that the moment the Bodhimind develop within us and we (immediately?) become a Mahayana practitioner until then we study about Bodhimind we practice Bodhimind we meditate Bodhimind we take Bodhisattva vows and all of them truly until you develop the mind within us we really did not become a Mahayana at all honestly speaking that’s what it is just like refuge just by saying you know some people you know people take refuge with me it is my pleasure to give refuge but you know what I say okay repeat after me I take refuge in Buddha Dharma and Sangha three times and then sat down refuge vows grow with you refuge vow grows that’s how the vow goes but that does not really become you are Buddhist either no it’s not although the doorway of becoming Buddhist is refuge but just by doing that questionable01704
But we say yes and we think yes because it helps but other than that it is questionable the true refuge grows with us like we talked (these two fears?) remember and the sense of urgency and the needed help you need to recover it you need cover so looking for cover and seeking and then you get really getting it until then we pretending it is better than performance but it is like performance moving towards in that direction similarly with Bodhimind although we say for the benefit of all beings I would like to obtain enlightenment for this I listen here do this do that do that we say but however this is performance performance working with working towards not really Bodhimind Bodhimind is gradual development it is convincing it is stage that one obtained by ourself a real stage I don’t want to say nature of the mind will change but the idea of self cherishing self important we completely defeated and actual unlimited unconditioned compassion and caring will become within the one’s mind and that’s what I mean even yesterday Ben was talking here remember that he’s raising the question of a great mind that person can can jump without any hesitation to protect other people and then somebody said I say you Mark right can be just jumping there without thinking but then you know keep on person repeating the same deeds performing repeated again and again and again and again without any consideration to self and not only without any consideration to self
Compassionate acts
but also putting your self and family in danger such as during the World War II those people who are helping the Jews coming out of Germany smuggling them and hiding them and all of those are great Bodhisattva way and these are the it’s not necessarily Bodhimind is has to be developed through Buddha’s teachings only it is Bodhimind is Bodhimind it is a total true altruistic mind and it doesn’t have to be developed with one individual in one’s lifetime practicing it it is a life long life before life before life before it is so it builds up and then it is materialized it blooms one lifetime it becomes that way so this is truly what the Bodhimind does the beauty of those what did he say some lady calls them heroes or something right
audience: rescuers
Rimpoche: rescuers yes so many of them I mean the rescuers rescuers there are I mean very recently we even had about a few days ago firefighters nine of them died right remember so all of those are you know I mean I can’t say that they are totally Bodhisattvas but you know I mean they’re in danger there you remember this 9/11 and the firefighters going up people running down they are going up trying to rescue people you know very well you’re going to die and so they do all the time so these are altruistic mind just you and I just can’t do it and it is the efforts that comes in doesn’t have to be within that lifetime meditating and developing but it is life after life those people have been building and that is what the Bodhimind is all about it that’s what altruistic is all about it and how wonderful how beautiful is it we can all thank I wish I could do that we can pray and that’s all we can do we (can’t?) jump especially me being couch potato couldn’t even get to the Rochelle’s workshop because I can’t lift my butt out of chair downstairs and I really meant to go but (Rimpoche laughs)011323
Altruistic mind is best tool
so this is that is what we are talking about altruistic that’s what we are talking about it and then why we call them Bodhimind because not only altruistic again but on the basis of altruistic total altruistic then seeking the best tool so any sensible intelligent person would do this seeking the best tool available so that is here we talk about the Buddha level and that’s why Bodhimind and that’s why Buddhism Bodhisattvas make it a big deal oh yes I have to close soon because Kathy is going so oh eleven thirty okay not eleven oh sorry sorry yesterday I made the same mistake right right right right okay yesterday I made the same mistake until I looked back in that yes I forgot that kids things overlaps here that’s I forgot about that so that is the Bodhimind and then the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas make it a big deal big deal big deal they call them a Mahayana what else they can (tell?) call them a Mahayana honestly Maha is big great sort of the best ever available because the best ever available vehicle deliver the individual to a total enlightenment they did not call Mahayana for nothing honestly they are not stupid they are not a fool they know what they’re saying they know what they’re doing nothing against the Hinayana okay don’t think about it but that’s really what it is and even the Chandrakirti had said when you’re talking about the quality of your own and then sometimes some people think well this may be finger-pointing to somebody else (he speaks Tibetan) so Chandrakirta said even then that happens it is not your fault don’t consider that as a fault Chandrakirti had said while presenting your own you have no motivation of saying anything wrong to anything else but presenting your own quality if that hurts something else but that is not your fault and that’s why Buddhas and Bodhisattvas says if you develop Bodhimind that very minute you become Mahayana that is the doorway of Mahayana that’s the doorway doorway to become a Mahayana so if you become a Mahayana but don’t forget this is twenty six hundred years ago the example is sometimes not very suitable in today’s society so what a big deal if you become Mahayana what is big deal so the big deal is this every Mahayana person no matter how weak how young how immature how stupid the person might be but you become the children of a King and you become a Crown Prince or Princess so even though you have no education you have no experience you may have seasoned ministers who are seasoned diplomats and how they are very very whatever you call it big and dignified and whatever it may be no matter whatever they are but just by being a Prince or princess just by virtue of that you are more precious more powerful more important than those seasoned senior ministers that goes in the kingdom in old Kingdom time like that011912
So this is how Buddha’s and Bodhisattvas try to treat the Mahayana person not only that you are addressed as a Bodhisattva Tom Dick and Harry so you are addressed as Bodhisattva even you Tom Dick and Harry but addressed as Bodhisattva this Bodhisattva that so it’s you know I mean old time twenty six hundred years ago Kingdom sir this and that today’s terminology it is sir Sir McCartney Sir Paul McCartney so just like that you know so even Tony Blair becomes Sir Tony Blair so giving a knighthood so anyway so what else and then by virtue of this mind by virtue of this mind you yourself the moment the mind developed you your self became field of merit for the others for the others field of merit the others can benefit out of you you become a field of merit and you know what we say oh I feel I’ve been used looks like bad we make a bad sound Bodhisattvas welcome if I have been used if I have become useful for somebody use it it is a welcome thing so you become the field of merit people can use you to develop merit for themselves not.develop negativity for themselves then you’re used it but you know develop merit and the positive karma for you now another point here what does this mind do accumulate merit by the mind itself it is an automatic machine accumulation accumulate the merit and it is also automatic machine for purification (he speaks Tibetan) just by the mind having within you it is a keep on purifying all your negativities it will keep on and it will keep on accumulating merit
all the time better than those robot cleaning things even the robot cleaning ones you have to charge them and press push button here you don’t it is automatic you don’t need to charge it is automatically functioning and then it just doesn’t stop you read Bodhisattva chayaravatara chapter one you have them all there but they just doesn’t stop there it still goes on and on and here you the next one they will say (he speaks Tibetan) so whatever you wish it fulfills so then the Bodhisattvas always have to be warned better think before you wish anything so you really gets you know and that’s why people go to the Bodhisattva say please pray please do this please do that because their wishes becomes almost a command to the reality (he speaks Tibetan) obstacles and difficulties cannot overpower you because of this mind and this mind makes you to develop through the path and through the stages goes takes you quickly because it’s a Mahayana vehicle so that’s why it is and the most important you your self become source of joy for all living beings this is very important point you yourself become source of joy for every living beings you be wondering what the hell you talking about it right right right Chandrakirti the great master (?) the wisdom (poet?) Nagarjuna’s one of the four frontrunner disciple says (he speaks Tibetan) so those you know the Hinayana level all practitioners and they developed and Arhats and all of them are they where they come from they come from Buddha Buddha give them a teaching and through the teaching they developed so that’s the way they come from (he speaks Tibetan) come from Buddha where does Buddha come from Buddha come from Bodhisattva (he speaks Tibetan) see Buddhas came out of Bodhisattva being a Bodhisattva where does Bodhisattvas come from Bodhisattvas come with the Bodhimind where does the Bodhimind come from comes out of greater compassion (he speaks Tibetan) and that is how you become sources of all all living beings so what more achievement you want then that I was talking with some very great friend of mine yesterday while in conversation saying do you have any I was talking about do you have other sisters and brothers and that person says when my mom had me who else they wanted (crowd laughs) so that’s exactly what it is when you have that much benefit what else you wanted okay so that is the benefit aspects of it of the Bodhimind (could?) we talk about the Bodhimind but it is ultimate unlimited unconditioned love and compassion now the question comes how do I get it are you interested or not (audience laughs) if I cannot sell you then I have to go and hire a used car sale dealer here (audience laughs)
do you need to take a break? Looks like it you know really well then you know I I have been holding you too long from nine to well this a little too long so well if I take a break then you have a very short break huh it’s okay better go okay even if short he say okay he said okay take a break ten minutes okay yes013012
and welcome back thank you for coming back (audience laughs) and now the time is eleven thirty so what I’m going to do is almost oh yeah my watch says five minutes this one says two minutes anyway so whatever so what we’re going to do is I’m going to go this up to twelve so we don’t have we just don’t want say two second and then get up so go up to the twelve so I mean close to twelve whatever so we did talk and think about it this benefit of a Bodhimind and if you haven’t what will they do with you if I have it what will that do it is really does a lot of things so including you your yourself become source of joy for all living beings as we mentioned so what is a Bodhimind Bodhimind is like a Maitreya Buddha said (he speaks Tibetan) if I said directly paraphrase (?) if I said directly (?) he said Bodhimind is altruistic mind seeking enlightenment that is what the word will say altruistic mind seeking enlightenment meaning the definition will become so definition will become the altruistic mind a total altruistic mind mind seeking enlightenment stage the Buddha the enlightenment the Buddha stage for yourself to help and serve I mean who wants the enlightenment self why you want enlightenment to serve and help others013301
so the purpose of obtaining enlightenment is for the serve for the altruistic reason and who was seeking is the self individual so I used to say two-pronged mind two pronged mind mind of a seeking enlightenment for yourself and totally dedicated for the serving others for serving others so it’s a two-pronged mind even the traditional Buddhist texts will also tell you (he speaks Tibetan) means mind that has two wishes two wishes two desires two desires to desire to obtaining enlightenment and totally for benefitting others so which makes very (uneasy?) even for us just to digest the word alone and try to imagine the mind itself on the basis of definition that we give in words it becomes not confusing but some uneasy sort of you know you have to adjust two points it is not one point but two point anyway and such a mind is labeled by Buddha as ultimate unconditioned unlimited love and compassion as the compassion love if you trace them they go that far nothing beyond that to go and that is the ultimate unlimited unconditioned compassion love such an unlimited unconditioned compassion or love or both are not easy for us not only to develop but even imagine will have a lot of problems and a lot of difficulties okay here here’s why say if you’re meditating you’re meditating sitting and meditating and I imagine a loved one or a person you are falling in love not yesterday but two three years ago a year ago maybe maybe six months ago I don’t know how long it lasts who knows so anyway at the peak level of the desire so you can imagine you can think about that person and when you’re thinking the moment you think the face and it becomes sunshine and exciting and it is wonderful nice and beautiful and then asking yourself why why because I’m falling in love with that person what else right? So it is attachment it is attachment and so is it good you may say feels very good for me but in reality is it really good actually not only not good for you but also not good for that person either because it is attachment and it is cause of samsara the Buddhas repeatedly said samsara attachment is the glue to the samsara okay true very hard to (solo?) that’s what I said it is not easy here we go it is that’s what it is that doesn’t mean you have to get divorced okay and don’t think about it okay (Rimpoche laughs) I’m joking but I said Bodhimind is very hard greater compassion pure love is very hard this is the reason and then you get another person that you hate the most if you have one if you don’t have one find one (audience laughs) who irritates you most recently most recently who irritated you and put that person up or for us it’s easy put the Dick Cheney up or George Bush if you begin to compare probably you think oh poor George Bush he doesn’t anything what he is doing (?) Cheney is the who made all trouble may be easy to forgive him (Rimpoche laughs) anyway I’ve been making jokes together but the reality is the person when you hate the most when you look at it and then you have all your list will run why bad is this that this that that that dah dah dah dah dah all this yada yada yada yada yuda yuda yuda will all come around so here you see how unequivalent my feeling towards two different person and that itself will tell you I don’t have what they call it equanimity I don’t know what ever that is but that’s the name we give so we don’t have that so so let’s say if I’m a painter I’m going to paint and the canvas or whatever the base space on what I’m going to paint is not smooth it is very rough so I cannot do a fine painting on it I can do a rough painting sure but I cannot do a fine miniature painting like a (?) painting type of things I can’t do it because the space is not smooth if I try to print the miniature (?) painting type of thing if I do it even my eye can manage hand can manage but the nose is going to be crooked eye is going to be one is going to come in and one is going to go in and one is going to come out it’s not going to be good there’s no smooth base 014417
that’s what they call it equanimity smooth base because our projection of society is such ours and theirs and we even label good and bad according to that the committed Democratic party people will say he or she is good person means he or she thinks like Democratic people think right so we not only not smoothening but also good and bad we put it all where he is good he or she is good person that one statement tells us he and she thinks that way in between the line those who are thinking the other way are bad person those conservative Republicans are bad person we get that in between so where is the smoothness where is the equality equanimity no that’s why the Bodhimind is such a precious and wonderful but it is very far away for us we can take a Bodhisattva vow and pretend to be Bodhisattva and walks around and try to wear the Bodhisattva shoe high heels and pick up the Bodhisattvas red bags and you know handbags and put the Bodhisattva makeups and walk around we can do but to be Bodhisattva is difficult right over here you see the first step so what do we do here actually there’s a reasons lot of analytical reasons why I feel so close to my friend because my friend but on the other hand my friend might have been my biggest enemy ever I had in my previous life or even at the beginning even in the early stage most of the enemies today many of them the first they best friend and then they quarrel somewhere and then they separate you know all this companies go and break and they sue each other between the partners the first is most closest your partner the second time is the person who you sue and you almost strong as a the enemy and that goes with the even with the spouses good ones settle nicely if they separate the bad ones goes to each other’s eyeball so that shows today’s best friend can be to morrows strongest enemy vice a versa today’s strongest enemy can be your best friend tomorrow so the perception that we get is not reliable according to the (?) it is ever changing Sangha is the definition of the Jewel Heart Sangha you know I couldn’t say (?) for years so I used to call her Yayayoyo all this names I am sorry (?)
audience: (yoyo? samsaric name)
Rimpoche: so changing ever changing ever changing so enemy is not a permanent and solid friend is not a permanent and solid remember014937
All these people those so called brutal dictators are used to be our not only a friend but almost working for CIA remember Noriega and Saddam Hussein and all of them have finally we (?) even hand him to those his enemies and let him hang so it shows in the big nation level it is unreliable small (?)personal level it is unreliable remember this Rumsfeld was Reagan’s special envoy to go and talk to Saddam to create a war against the Iran remember and Rumsfeld happens to be the defense secretary who hangs Saddam with his enemies so that shows even individual level so what we need is be reasonable be reasonable so visualize Lama inseparable that of Buddha in front of you just like before golden color light in nature and supplications including seven (limb?) and then making (he speaks Tibetan) the collection of all refuge and submitting that I may be able to develop the equanimity light and liquid coming from the body of the Buddha purifying negativity in general and particularly this distant and nearing that pulling actually it is hatred and attachment hatred obsession purified not only a strong gross level of hatred and attachment but even the subtle imprints of attachment and hatred completely washed away from my and our all living beings system completely physical mental emotional system completely become a pure light nature free of hatred and attachment and a duplicate Lama Shakymuni dissolves to ourself so in between that you can reason yourself why this and that and all of those why the hatred is wrong why the obsession is wrong okay so thank you before I close and say bon appétit and I think Kathy want to speak you right so yesterday I look for you but you are gone
Kathy discusses Jewel Heart program and they close with chanting
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