Welcome to the Archive
Here you will find expert explanations of Buddhist topics by Tibetan Buddhist master, Gelek Rimpoche. Recorded over several decades of hundreds of live teaching events, this is a remarkable record and resource. Whether you are a longtime practitioner or just curious about the subject, there is much for you here.
About Gelek Rimpoche
Gelek Rimpoche (1939-2017) was among the last generation of great Tibetan Buddhist masters fully educated in Tibet before escaping in 1959. Rimpoche was distinguished for his thorough familiarity with modern culture and his special effectiveness as a teacher of Western practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism.
“Gelek Rimpoche is one of the most brilliant minds I have ever encountered.”
– Philip Glass
Archive Contents
There are more than 500 teachings on specific subjects and along with 950 talks included in the 6456 video and audio files on this site. Many of the files are accompanied by verbatim transcripts enabling you to follow the teaching. All these files are searchable through a variety of criteria including word-search capability.

© The Allen Ginsberg Estate
What is Tibetan Buddhism?
What is the purpose and promise of Tibetan Buddhism? What are its fundamental qualities? How is it relevant to our contemporary world? Gelek Rimpoche was masterful in explaining how traditional Tibetan Buddhist principles and practices still apply to modern life.

© The Allen Ginsberg Estate
What is the importance of compassion?
Compassion is more than mere pity. It is the determination to recognize and relieve suffering and discovering ways to make that possible. From improving one’s own individual situation to becoming fully enlightened for the benefit of all, Gelek Rimpoche taught the tools to develop limitless compassion.

© The Allen Ginsberg Estate
How is Tibetan Buddhist meditation
Though Tibetan Buddhist meditation includes concentrated meditation, it is considered equally important to utilize reason, analysis and visualization to overcome the obstacles that impead the full development our spiritual potential.

© The Allen Ginsberg Estate
What is the philosophy of Tibetan Buddhist practice?
The guiding principle of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy is to develop wisdom that frees us from the ego-constructed confusion that leads us to experience the negative consequences of narrow self-interest, rather than fearless and expansive view of our true nature.

© The Allen Ginsberg Estate
What is Vajrayana?
Why is Vajrayana called the Secret Vehicle? What are its aims and practices? Is it the same thing as tantra? How does one become qualified to practice it?

White Tara Practice
White Tara is known as a female Buddha, especially associated with healing and longevity. This was considered one of Gelek Rimpoche’s main practices and one he taught widely.

Developing Compassion
Because compassion is one of the main principles of Tibetan Buddhism, there are many detailed instructions and techniques of how to develop a truly altruistic attitude.

Concept of Emptiness
When studying wisdom in Buddhism, the term ‘Emptiness’ inevitably arises. What does this concept mean and why is it associated with wisdom and Buddhist philosophy?
Cover photo by Peter van Wanrooij