© The Allen Ginsberg Estate
What is Vajrayana?
Vajrayana Buddhist practice aims at the union wisdom and compassion to achieve total enlightenment. It methods are referred to as tantra. In his introduction to tantra, Gelek Rimpoche explains that it is an important and serious means which leads individuals to enlightenment much faster than other methods in Buddhism. He describes the individual qualities required to be fit for tantric practice. He also dispels some of the common notions regarding these practices.
Introductory talks on the subject of vajrayana, also known as tantra, by Gelek Rinpoche from 1986.
Audio with read-along transcript
In-depth teaching
A 1986 teaching from Introduction to Tantra, given in the Netherlands with Dutch translation.
Audio with read-along transcript
An in-depth answer from Introduction to Vajrayana, Fall Retreat at The Garrison Institute, 2007