Archive Result

Title: Tibetan Buddhism with Gelek Rimpoche

Teaching Date: 2012-01-01

Teacher Name: Gelek Rimpoche

Teaching Type: Sunday Talk

File Key: 20120101GRAATB01/20120101GRAATB01.mp4

Location: Various

Level 1: Beginning

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The Archive Webportal provides public access to material contained in The Gelek Rimpoche Archive including:

  • Audio and video teachings 
  • Unedited verbatim transcripts to read along with many of the teachings
  • A word searchable feature for the teachings and transcripts 

The transcripts available on this site include some in raw form as transcribed by Jewel Heart transcribers and have not been checked or edited but are made available for the purpose of being helpful to those who are listening to the recorded teachings. Errors will be corrected over time.

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