Title: In Praise of Dependent Origination
Teaching Date: 2008-10-10
Teacher Name: Gelek Rimpoche
Teaching Type: Garrison Fall Retreat
File Key: 20081010GRLRGRFRWis/20081010GRGRWisdom01.mp3
Location: Garrison
Level 3: Advanced
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Buddha’s most important teaching
Welcome everybody here tonight and for this retreat and it is always wonderful to be back in Garrison we had a number of retreats here and it always wonderful it’s a beautiful atmosphere environmental facility and I am liking the food better every year after year (Rimpoche laughs) I really liking it and so it is great and it’s wonderful and it has provided tremendous opportunity for not only us the jewel heart but also a number of other Dharma groups and when this sort of made really open for everybody and then also a lot of wonderful work and they have been doing for Deanna and Jonathan and whatever the efforts you put it becomes wonderful and thank you and this is Lojo Rimpoche’s second visit last time we had a is it the same period? No last time we had about a week long 10 day Guay Somaja initiation and Guay Somaja teaching complete and so today for the praise to Buddha by the great master Jamgolam Tsongkhapa for Buddhas praise to Buddha the most important thing what Buddha did and what Buddha said and what Buddha taught and that is the inter-dependent nature of existence as well as functioning everything on the dependent uh interdependent-ness actually and that is the most important discovery of Buddha when he became a Buddha and the most important experience that Buddha shared with us commonly known as wisdom two most important in the Buddha’s teaching one is compassion love compassion the other is wisdom and wisdom and compassion has the actually two
the two most what we can do to free our self from suffering and the cause of suffering and total freedom from the suffering and the cost of suffering these are the two things only not only help one as individual person but help all living beings to be able to liberate gain the ultimate spiritual benefit whatever we call it a total knowledge total knowledge is developed I mean it is people call it awakened state total knowledge gone beyond Tathangata or all those are actually totally free of ego ignorance combination which traditionally called ignorance which is the causes of all our problems sufferings continuation of suffering life after life all of them which is only eradicate from the individual human being only by wisdom only by wisdom so that is why the wisdom teaching is extremely important compassion teachings are very important as you know but then wisdom is even more important than compassion but I’m not saying one can do without compassion one cannot do it without compassion also one cannot do it without wisdom so both are absolutely necessary so probably we all noticed for the last couple of years two three four five years maybe where ever His Holiness the Dalai Lama goes and teaches 000657
and whatever the subject may be and he always talks about the wisdom and all his teachings somehow focused and geared towards developing wisdom so because it is very important love and compassion is equally important however we do have a quite good understanding of the love compassion how important it is and all this even our usual television gurus entertainment gurus will also talk about the compassion and love and I mean now we are in age where all the business people will also talk about the compassion and love and it is all there and we can we somehow took a long time but we are there now so somehow the compassion side is built up quite well are you fully satisfied? no not all but importantness of it and awareness of it and how effective it is to achieve whether it is material benefit profit oriented benefit to the individual or spiritual benefit or even a total enlightenment benefit it all depends on compassion aspects which is somehow in my opinion it is almost becoming general knowledge almost every television pundit talks about it in television every business people talk about it compassion this and that and everywhere so it is getting there but somehow we have no idea about the wisdom at all I mean we do know wisdom is something but we have no idea knowing everything is wisdom anyway so but here the Buddha has very specific wisdom very specific wisdom looking within the individual deep down inside individual really somehow in the West our practitioners or let’s not call practitioners everybody so who have interest in the spiritual path somehow the question of who am I where I am I come from what I am doing all these questions somehow people do raise that question and people do think about it and that is important but Buddhas way of really looking at it is much more than who really I am the moment we say who am I we get some kind of interesting answers so I’m a Doctor so-and-so of the sixteenth century born in Sussex England or something you know we do have that type of answer we try to give and we try to satisfy with that answer but when the Buddha is asking question whom am I Buddha is not asking who are you in fourteenth century or sixteenth century or last century Buddha is asking who is the person we refer as me the most important and who is that where does that come from what is made of it is it some kind of permanent solid identity or is it an impermanent or is it what is it so that is what Buddha is really looking at that way and then finding who the really is and I think he labeled them as wisdom so the most important Buddha’s discovery through his journey and travel in the spiritual path is wisdom how did he discover that wisdom is through not only through meditation alone not only through even though Buddha really talks about two types of meditation as you all are aware of it not only the concentrated meditation but also the analytical meditation without doing the analytical meditation there is no way one can really discover the true nature of the reality of who am I no way there’s nothing you know like if you do a concentrated meditation you find object of on what you meditate maybe image of a Buddha or mind or whatever you do and you find the object and keep on focusing it and here you really have to search and analyze and whatever the result of your analyzation comes out and that is becomes object of the concentrated meditation so without analytical meditation it is almost impossible not only almost impossible it is impossible to gain so we do although you do both concentrated and analytical meditation alone is not good enough not good enough to be able to really discover this so you also need on the other hand you also need a tremendous amount of merit or good karma good karma good luck to really to find that both of them has to be balanced and then be able to find it so that is the most important thing and once you find it once you find it and then you know what we call it a special person we call it Aryas or the moment you see the wisdom yourself and obtaining the Bhumi level and seeing path of the third path and all of them are together simultaneously happening within the individual as you all remember so anyway first and foremost is we have to learn a little bit about that wisdom and there are so many different explanations like you know like even in you know those of you who have studied Toob Tah 001528
Of the 6 Paramitas, Wisdom is the eyes.
or the theoretical aspects of the Buddhist schools and of course it is philosophy but I hate to use it is philosophy because the moment we use the word philosophy people will say oh that is something that you teach in the University and you know it is dust collecting art subject rather than you know science or whatever you know so that’s why I hate to use it and I really what it really is true they finding philosophers do nothing but try to find truth if I understand correctly I never learned English and all the English that I speak which you have very difficult to understand heavy Indian accent plus never learned the language never so never studied never I did not learn C A T cat never learned that never learned D O G dog no never learned that and never paid attention never read never do so I having a difficult to read English so because I never paid attention somehow it doesn’t get in my head interest I just don’t get it I don’t understand if I read two or three pages in English I fall asleep and I rather go back to read in Tibetan so that is my problem but but what did I say that for anyway oh philosophy but at least I understand the philosophers are try to find out what truth is and so these again the Buddhist wisdom is also try to find out the truth of who am I and how did I become exist and what it is and that is a tremendous amount of opening for us once you know who am I once you know how this works and so many jigsaw puzzles been settled within the spiritual path so many it’s sort of really very tremendous uplift uplift and that is what it is you know we do have those six paramitas or six activities generosity and patience and so and forth you do remember and the sixth one is wisdom so Buddha calls them eyes eye and the others are blind from generosity to concentrated is blind and the wisdom is eye one with eye who can see001829
Miloh mee wuem...... so Buddha calls them all blind people blind people and all these blind people and when they don’t even know what the road is how can they get themselves to the city of Joy it’s not even possible so you have a bunch of blind people may be hundreds of thousands of blind people and for them to get to a beautiful wonderful joyful city you need someone who guides you there someone who guides you with the eyes so that is the wisdom that is the wisdom wisdom is the eyes for to be able to see that is why path of seeing is called path of seeing because of eye sees path of seeing remember the third path is called path of seeing right path of accumulation path of action path of seeing meditating no more learning right so seeing is what do you see you have the eyes to be able to see the path and that is the wisdom so wisdom is extremely important and so this year when His Holiness visited in Ann Arbor he gave teachings on this and the Bodhimind combined together even Bodhimind is absolute Bodhimind remember not just wishing or action or praying Bodhimind absolute Bodhimind so it becomes the wisdom aspects of it 002029
so when Gebjeh Lojo Rimpoche be able to come here and I thought Rimpoche does not want to do any initiation because that was first message so so what better than to learn the both the Tsongkhapa’s praise to Buddha on the basis of the teaching of emptiness and which is going to be here for this weekend and then the third then the second in Ann Arbor next weekend is the Hu dan jah bey on.... praise to Tsongkhapa according to his Tsongkhapa’s wisdom002128
Living White Manjushri
which really gives a tremendous amount of the insight the Tsongkhapa’s teachings and both in the sutra and the Tantra both and why it is special why it is extraordinary all of those so I thought that is the best subject particularly for Gebche Lojo Rimpoche who is known to be living white Manjushri so I mean what else we need we say Tsongkhapa is great because Manjushri taught him so we do have a living Manjushri and coming teaching us so we should be really looking forward for this and the textbooks we didn’t reprint because we still have His Holiness’s visit to Ann Arbors textbook still available so that is what going to be here and we do have these other Tsongkhapa praise to Tsongkhapa meaningful praise to Tsongkhapa by Kunda Rimpoche is been translated by Tobin Jimba for us and so we have that available and also the other translator who’s coming to translate (Rimpoche speaks aside for a second) there is a translator coming and he himself also studying that text and he memorized and he even translated his own version of translation too so all of those are we be looking for two wonderful weekends back to back one here in Garrison and the other one is Ann Arbor Michigan also and also those of you who could not really make it physically we also going to be make it available in all the different centers there will be a live broadcast in from here tomorrow to Ann Arbor and then we’re not relaying from Ann Arbor like usual for Cleveland Chicago and Nebraska we are not going to do that tomorrow and the day after tomorrow neither we are going to do to the Holland because of their own programs but they will be made available in those centers in due course of time but next week weekend this is Rimpoche’s teaching will be broadcast from Ann Arbor to all the centers except Europe and Asia or otherwise all the centers in the United States will be broadcast right we will be broadcast from Ann Arbor including back to New York so it’s going to be available so the times are Kathy announced a ten (they discuss the broadcast time)002651
so that is what going to be and then tomorrow Rimpoche would like to say the Heart Sutra in Tibetan so the moment Rimpoche comes in we start the Heart Sutra and after Heart Sutra the Mandala offering will be Zha sha breesh... and plus Jeez zoh Lama.... okay Jeez zoh Lama.... these two Mandalas and then when you finish the teaching in the evening Mandala offering and a Jeez zoh Lama.... and then you have three little prayers and that is Jit too deh.. and Chu zhi kay boh... and Dah dah jing... and maybe we do Lam Rim prayer maybe or maybe not that even you say Lam Rim it is not short Lam Rim it is Tay ney.....that is what and the short one is we created somehow you people call it Lam Rim prayer002816
Correct motivation to learn
so I was also confused for a while Tay ney... and what else and as usual you know and I like to say the most important one or two points that is our motivation the motivation is always very important if you think ah I would like to know about this wisdom or how is that going to be with that type of a motivation if you come ah not very good not so bad and if your motivation is simply oh yes so-and-so is going there I like to be there not good motivation not good motivation or maybe you say oh my husband is going or my boyfriend is going so I’d like to go there it’s even worse so these are not good type of motivation you know and the Buddha always recommends one motivation for Mahayana practitioners whatever you do that is just for benefit all living beings you know the benefit is also becoming funny word to me it has become everybody’s benefit benefit benefit so in order to serve in order to help in order to uplift the sufferings you know in order to up lift all living beings out of suffering bringing them to the level of total enlightenment total Buddha state I who had a wonderful human life wonderful mind right this moment we are superior we are superior because of our life and our mind honestly any life you think you may think close encounter with a third kind may be something wonderful but when they open that ship you know what type of people came out of it didn’t you remember that so that’s it and that itself tells you although it is imagination it is science fiction but today’s science fiction can be tomorrow’s truth so the life what we have is really Buddha said there is no other equivalent life life you know this is the capability to understand capability to digest what you learned and capability of to translate whatever you have digested express that out and that is the quality that is tremendous quality and our mind has an almost the sky is the limit what we can do this is the mind what we have physical body and the mind together we have a tremendous capability and that is our opportunity at this moment if we can’t do it then when
If not now then when
else we can do it honestly when else when I become a dog I won’t be able to do it when I was a dog I will not be able to do it when I’m a cat I may become very intelligent pet of yours but not capable of doing anything of that sort at all so it is the really most suitable great or rare particularly rare opportunity not only to be able to connect with the teachings of a Buddha but perfect teaching of a Buddha is very rare one of these Panchen Lama I think second or third I don’t remember was giving a Lam Rim teachings in Tibet remember Lam Rim teachings Lam Rim roadmap to the Buddhahood Lam Rim Lam Rim teachings in Tibet so he is talking about precious of life and rare a Chinese person there raise hand and said your Holiness you have not been to China so you don’t understand in Tibet there are very little human beings and but in China there are millions of them why you’re talking about is so rare so because you have not seen China that’s why it is that’s what he said. Penchen Lama replied I am aware of how many people there how many human beings there but he said I’m talking about a very specific life and that very specific life that is us honestly very specific life and here how many we have here 80, 90, 100 whatever at the most whatever we have if you look each and every one of you people that you know you look around them and you have that tremendous opportunity they don’t they are all just like you just like me another human being however from the opportunity point of view they don’t we do and each one of them have excuse I’m not interested in spiritual path period I’m just a yuppie not interested anything or I’m a born-again Christian I’m not interested anything else each and every friend will have an excuse the open-mindedness willing to help yourself willing to go out there and do the thing for you and for your family and for every living beings very rare it becomes less and less and less and less that is why Buddha meant it is rare not a rare human beings there are a lot of them but many of them don’t get it not going to get it don’t have the opportunity don’t have the chance some of them don’t even believe it some of them say that is not for me nothing is wrong with that but how they cut out their opportunities and I’m sure some of you have a friend that you really would like to drag that person in this you know try your best whatever did all monkey dances but still they won’t come that person won’t come right? So it is the that shows how this opportunity is really rare that’s what it is and we not only happens to be meeting with the Buddha’s teachings but that of faultless refined gold
The great Tsongkhapa’s teachings and that combined with Vajrayana I’m not making Gelupa propaganda if you think I am but I’m not this is the tradition that will tell you that is what it is it is it is so so honestly with all those different qualities that we are about to meet weight are about to take advantage of and this is the time if we can’t help ourselves and our family and everybody else when we’re going to help and that’s why every little effort that we put in maybe we just want to give a little piece of food to an animal a wild animal out there and even that everything should be really do it with the motivation of helping and obtaining enlightenment and every efforts that we put or we did not put at the end will make sure we dedicate that for obtaining enlightenment everyone together like Milarepa says Puta deva lama.... Milarepa says you know the person who is meditating the cave and benefit whose growing food in the field not on the mountains but in the Valley and have a great omen not become fully enlightened together so that attitude is that but we should take it so that should be our motivation if that help it if you have that anything else will come along with that you don’t have to waste your effort for a small little deed for small little benefit benefit remember003955
Even during the initiations Semden devan der mae jah... anyway I don’t remember the words now get mixed on my head but in the initiation they tell you do not dedicate or do not have a motivation to achieve some powerful thing within this lifetime to show magical power if you seek for benefit for this life nothing else will be achieved in future if you seek for the future benefit whatever you wanted for this life you going to get it you going to get it that is what remember during the initiations we said it you people have read a number of times repeated a number of times so that’s really what it is so always for the benefit of all living beings one would like to become a fully enlightened for which I would like to listen and learn that great teaching from great master for obtaining enlightenment for benefit of all beings or for developing wisdom within the very short time and all that with that attitude always have that so that is what I like to say and then every retreat I say that remember and please do not have nestings made nestings you know the nestings becomes difficult so and particularly dharma materials please do not put on the floor jump over how many times I said it is breaking refuge commitment you know Dharma materials so all of those as usual please remember and I guess so that is what I like to say tonight and I’m sure I forgot a lot of things and along with the Rimpoche there’s a Geshe Lobsang Densing here too. Geshe Lobsang Densing will be translating tomorrow and the day after tomorrow but I request Geshe Lah to join with me in the evenings so maybe tomorrow evening Geshe Lah can do it so that I can go to sleep Sha deh domben doh.... 004255
okay so then you know in the afternoon we have the long life prayer for His Holiness Lojo Rimpoche so a long life and which will be made available it’s not in there which is made available in the Kathy it’s available in Kathy’s computer now I understand so it will come so I think in the afternoon session we begin with his long life prayer and then that’s it and anybody else again so remember no nesting okay pick up things and don’t jump over Dharma materials which is not good at all so so my main objection of nesting is that because you leave things the other person will jump over and so which we unnecessarily create negative karma for you and for the other person too so let’s avoid that and we also have discussion sessions right so whatever do we have a brand-new people here I mean (Rimpoche catches himself and quips) anybody born just now? brand-new people I mean someone who’s not been in Jewel Heart retreat before I see three hands so do you need any particular help or guidelines or anything if you do so would you catch that Mister George Bush who will be leaving the White House very soon within the short time and so Mister Bush will help you before he leaves the office I’m kidding Mark Miguel Mark will if you have any questions particularly you two at the back so it’s a little difficult when you came first time when there is especially when there’s translation and all that might have a little difficulty so if you could meet with Mark three of you or afterwards and so run over a little bit you know sort of any of you have questions but you’re welcome in the jewel heart we’re very happy to have all of you wonderful to see old friends and also very happy to meet you new ones but I like old ones better I’m sorry (Rimpoche laughs) difficult to change if you are supporting Hillary you continuously support Hillary doesn’t change so anyway so that’s my character so anyway and I guess that’s it did I forget anything else do you have any questions not to have so much expectations don’t expect to become Buddha in one weekend thank you can you sing couple of Migsemas three times thank you
audience: (they sing three Migsemas)
Rimpoche: what is the Heart Sutra page number in the jewel heart prayer book because tomorrow morning everybody will have to know that huh blue book page 13 okay probably the first thing will be that one and then do the Mandala offerings okay thank you
Title and correct stopped at 000657
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