© The Allen Ginsberg Estate

What is the philosophy of Tibetan Buddhist practice?

Tibetan Buddhist philosophy examines that boundless potential inherent in all of us. It explains the obstacles to realizing that potential and the means to overcome those obstacles. It describes how negative actions lead to negative consequences and elucidates the causes of negative actions. In his teachings, Gelek Rimpoche instructs us on how to use the insights of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy to transform our minds and embrace the positive potential of our nature for the benefit of ourselves and others.


This public talk is the concluding talk of the 2009 summer retreat that was also given as is a part of the Sunday Talk series by Gelek Rinpoche.

Audio with read-along transcript

In-depth teaching

An in-depth answer from What Does it Mean to be a Buddhist, Spring Retreat at The Garrison Institute, May 2013

Audio with read-along transcript
Heart Sutra: The Freedom of Understanding Reality As It Is
Heart Sutra: The Freedom of Understanding Reality As It Is

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